David’s top ten chess tips

  1. Put your pieces out facing the centre: the middle of the chess board is the most important part.
  2. Always take with your pawn towards the middle: if you control the middle, you control the game
  3. Castle as fast as you can: keep your king safe!
  4. Don’t move the pawn in front of your king: don’t open the front door to an attack!
  5. Play with all your pieces: you have a whole army to your disposal, get them all working for you.
  6. If you don’t know what to do, play with your poorest positioned piece first. You will be surprised to see how that can open the game up.
  7. Connect the rooks: there are most powerful when they work together.
  8. Don’t play too often with the same piece: every time you move the same pice, your opponent is getting is other pieces out.
  9. Don’t play too fast. Enjoy the game, take your time, think about the options and consequences.
  10. And finally: always thank your opponent for a good game. If you haven’t won, I’m sure you have learned something from the game!david koetsier_Page_2

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